Rail and Tram Signalling Case Studies

We’ve worked with a number of clients throughout Australia and overseas, completing a number of essential design and installation projects.

Belair Level Crossing Renewals

Client: SA Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure

Project Outline

Cables providing power to the Belair level crossing were life expired and required replacing. The work was essential to maintain the long-term safety and operation of the crossing, protecting against potential crossing failure from old, worn cables.

RIC were commissioned to remove and replace the original cables, ensuring the works carried out were thoroughly tested and fully functional. We consulted closely with Adelaide Metro to carry out the work during quieter periods when it would cause less impact and disruption to commuters. However, with site incorporating steep terrain and rock, it took all our experience and specialist equipment to successfully install the cables to the client’s budget and timeframe.

RIC completed the installation, test and commissioning of:

  • installation of new boom and light assembly
  • track connections
  • cable hauling
  • termination and testing of signal cables