Rail and Tram Signalling Case Studies
We’ve worked with a number of clients throughout Australia and overseas, completing a number of essential design and installation projects.
Calgary Transit – Tilt Mast Signal Project
Client: Calgary Transit, Canada

Project Outline
The Calgary Transit rail system comprises 118km of rail track servicing 46 stations. The majority of the rail network is built above ground with standard signal masts requiring maintenance employees to scale these at regular intervals, risking injury or death from falls.
To increase safety for their staff, Calgary Transit launched a world-wide search to identify the best product on the market to upgrade signal mast safety for their workers. After reviewing many systems, they eventually settled on Rail Industry Construction’s patented Tilt Mast system for a network trial.
As an Australian designed and manufactured product and, we believe, the first of its type installed in Canada or North America, our engineers made some minor modifications to deal with the heavy snow and blizzards experienced throughout this region. With our Tilt Mast signals passing the trial and winter conditions with flying colours, the project meeting time and budget expectations, and the professional service provided by RIC making international communications easy, we anticipate our revolutionary Tilt Mast signals to receive full endorsement for use across the rest of the Calgary Transit rail network.